This is a wartime version of the LMHA Correspondent, Trustee and Founder member. For arranging exhibition visits etc contact can be made with the more modern version on Tel. 01285-655650
Membership of the LMHA
The LMHA’s membership scheme has been revised and the annual subscription of £5 dropped in favour of a one off payment of £5 for life or until such time as the LMHA needs to raise extra funding. If the latter should occur then existing members would be notified well in advance. Membership entitles the holder to receive information put out by the Association. They will also be given the opportunity to take part in such activities as helping with the supervision of exhibitions at the Study Centre and at other LMHA functions. Please make contact via the e-mail or for a membership enrollment form contact the postal address below:
44 Links View, Stratton, Cirencester, Glos. GL7 2NF