We are pleased to announce that Our exhibition will be reopening this coming Saturday 11th September and also on Sunday 12th September as part of Cirencester’s Heritage Open Days events. Sat. 10 am to 4.30 pm : Sun 2 pm to 4.30pm . On Sunday there will also be a WW2 War Walk around the centre of town starting from the Exhibition at 2.30pm lasting approx. 90 mins. Admission to the Exhibition and the walk is FREE. We ask that visitors are mindful of the well being of others under the present circumstances.
To see some of the content of the exhibition visit our gallery pages.
Better News for 2019-2020
2018 ended on a low note for us, but 2019 started on a positive one. We would like to thank everyone who supported us in the “Tesco Bags of Help scheme”. We received the second prize of £2,000 which will be very helpful. The rules of the scheme mean that we cannot use it for running costs such as the rent, but it will help in many other ways. The lease with the CDC is in the process of signing and thanks to the recent election result the new authority has kept the rent to £3,600 p.a. and not imposed the 105% increase proposed by the previous regime. The demolition of the main Hospital building is completed and work well underway on the new car park. It is hoped that it will be completed well before the shelter section of the Annual Exhibition opens on the first Saturday in May. The cottages section of the exhibition is not effected by the new work, except for being more visible across the car park, which is an advantage.
If you shop with AMAZON would you like to support the LMHA?
If you buy through Amazon Smile they will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to the LMHA if you follow the link:- https://smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/1078042-0 and enter your designated charity as The Living Memory Historical Association.
Thank You!
The Hospital Air Raid Shelter
The air raid shelter of the former Cirencester Memorial Hospital in Sheep Street, Cirencester houses part of the LMHA’s Annual Exhibition the rest being displayed in the Hospital Annexe nearby.
The Home Front
In the new premises in the Sheep Street Cottages you will find all the everyday themes from ordinary wartime life, rationing, make-do and mend, the Home Guard and Civilian Services etc.
Local War Diary
Follow a week by week diary of local events during World War Two extracted from the Wilts and Glos Standard on our Weekly War Diary page.
The Great War
This section has been added as a result of the current interest in commemorating the events of the war that spawned the Second World War.
The Living Memory Historical Association is a registered charitable trust based at The Old Memorial Hospital Site, Sheep Street, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England. Its main purpose is to aid the study of Social History with special reference to everyday life in the Cotswolds during and after the Second World War.
For further information about the LMHA, exhibition details etc click the menus on the left.